Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Pirates Life for Me!

Oh, no! Here comes that pirate ship, the SS F.L.S. And there's pirates aboard!

"Arrrrgh!" they growl. "They be treasure down at Frankie Lemmon School! Treasure chests and gold coin and the lot. Best of all—the alphabet letters. We won't stop until we capture every letter, right down to z. Make way ye scurvy bilge rats!"

These are not the faces of pirates, yet aboard they come, capturing our hearts not only with swords, firebrands or cannon, but with smiles.

"Bilal, you don't look like a pirate," says Ms Forbis.
"Arrrrgh! Everyone knows pirates don't take baths!" says Bilal.
"Look, Bilal...If I were a scruffy pirate, I'd wear a bandana on me."

Then Simon chips in: "Miss Forbis, we don't care. We've come to dig for doubloons, find the chest of gold and capture all the letters along the way."

"All right, then Simon. I'll hand over our treasure chest and our chocolate dubloons. But let's capture those letters. Let's make it our quest."

"What are we to do then?" says Bilal.

"Ms White will show you her magic capture machine."

Ms White punches buttons on something that looks like an Etch-a-Sketch. "Look," she says, "you can capture not only the letters, but the numbers as well."

It's a pirate's life for me!
(If you can't see the video, click

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