Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympic Dreams

It's the 2012 Olympics. It's almost over. Let's talk about 2024. Let's talk about sports. You can tell by my shirt that I like 'em all—volleyball, football, soccer. You name it—I play it. I hate to brag but I'm gettin' pretty good at sports. My name is Dustin. I'll be ready.

But you knew that.

So how are my mates doin'? Any gold-medal winners? Let's have a look, shall we?

Camden knows what few others know—hula-hooping will be an Olympics 2024 event. He'll be ready too—he's already picked Ms "J" as his coach.

Nadia plans to compete in the equestrian sport of dressage. With Ms Bass as her coach, she fearlessly practices on "frog".

Kamryn practices the little-known sport of tambourine bouncing. (Looks easy? You try it!)

I'm practicing for the extreme rock-drumming event, a skill I hope to use later in life like the Beatles' Ringo Starr did.

Not to be outdone, Landon plans to be on center stage during the opening ceremony. Here he is, at practice with renowned music teacher Ms Paula.

That's right. We live, eat, and dream Olympics. And we train as a team—US Olympic Team 2024 that is. Here's one of our training films:

P.S. Merrill Lynch has an online calculator that can help parents estimate cost of raising a special needs child over a lifetime. Click on:

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