Thursday, March 6, 2014

Keeping Up: Blogging Down Syndrome

Hey parents - Grandparents - Friends!

Want to share your experiences with others about someone you know with Down syndrome? Looking for answers on raising a child with this disability?

You are not alone. Try blogging. (Blog is short for web log, an easy, instantly and frequently updated website.)

There are literally thousands of others with the same questions. And many with answers. They are willing to share their experiences through blogging. These are people from all walks of life who want to help and support parents and families of individuals with Down syndrome through fellowship and action.

You can do the same. You, can stay knowledgeable, get immediate feedback and share common interests. So stop spinning your wheels – there IS help out there!

Here is one from parents: Nella Cordella: A Birth Story

There are even some bloggers with Down syndrome.
(My name is Sarah will touch your heart.)

Here are just some of the blogs rated "best." A few are actually blogs about other blogs (e.g., Noah's Dad)

32 of the Very Best Downs Syndrome Blogs

Down Syndrome: A Day to Day Guide

Down Syndrome OPTIONS

Down Syndrome in the Blogosphere

So blog away! I pray that all this helps you.

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