What's up? (Wall Street is not the only thing with ups and downs.)
Miss Forbis (l.) returns from vacation as Miss Paula

What's down?
Frankie Lemmon School's summer camp ended August 12. Although many of our friends will be back, some of them will move on to greater things. We wish God's blessings on each one of you but we'll still miss you.

Coming up.
Who knew? The fall schedule (and beyond) is already set. School officially begins on Thursday, August 25, 2011 and parents, students and teachers are getting ready. Where, oh where, did the summer go?
And various fund-raising events are already in the works! For example, the annual Ed Shook Golf Tournament is scheduled for October 3
(See sidebar for more -->).
The Triangle Wine Experience is a weekend (Feb 2 – 4, 2012) of world–class wine charity events here in Raleigh that will attract hundred of participants and is the primary source of funding for the Frankie Lemmon School and Developmental Center.
The National Truffle Fest (What on earth is a truffle?) is a unique weekend event (Feb 23 – 25, 2012) in the lush mountains of Asheville dedicated to celebrating and promoting the truffle industry in the United States. Outstanding chefs and vintners from everywhere participate. In 2010, All proceeds from the Fest were donated to the Frankie Lemmon Foundation!
Lots going on! See you soon!