Sunday, June 26, 2011

One-Room Summer School

Remember the one-room schoolhouse from the “good old days”? I do! Well, the good old days are back! For the first time in history, the Frankie Lemmon School is running a summer camp. It’s sort of a one-room summer school.

This camp was made possible through a generous grant from Operation L.A.M.B., a program of the Knights of Columbus in North Carolina to assist people that are intellectually challenged. The LAMB Foundation gets its name from an acronym from the biblical quotation: "Whatsoever you do to the Least Among My Brethren, that you do also to me." (Matthew 25:40).

The primary means of support for Operation L.A.M.B. is the Tootsie Roll Drive. Each year, the Knights of Columbus, their families and friends stand long hours outside shopping centers. They offer free Tootsie Rolls to all passers by and ask for donations to assist those with developmental disabilities. Their smiling faces and bright yellow aprons have become familiar sights throughout the state. So eat those Tootsie Rolls and give generously!

Remember the old-time blackboard (more recently called a chalkboard)? Well, today in class we used something called a “Promethian ActivBoard Mount System.” Say what? Let me ‘splain (or at least try to)…The Promethian is an interactive whiteboard that “throws” pictures on the wall with an overhead projector. (You say, “So what? Grandma used to make us watch her slide shows.”) Well, Grandma never saw anything like this! The Promethian computer projects a picture or a question on the wall. You “write” your answer on the wall with an interactive ActivPen. You or the teacher presses a button and what you wrote goes back into the computer. Many things kids can do nowadays on an iPad or a smartphone they can now do on the wall. Wow! Who knew?!

What’s next? Interactive slate boards?
(Psssst…they’re already here! They’re called Activ Slates!)

But some things never change — like summer fun!

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