Saturday, July 28, 2012

Surfer Story

Today we started with songs about silly pirates and jumping fish.

When we sang, I saw a surfer.
The surfer was all grown up.
He was riding a wave like this.

Until today, I didn't think I could surf.

But today I surfed.

The surfer was me!

Only a short time ago I couldn't chew food.
But my parents opened the door to therapy – and I learned how.

Only a short time ago I couldn't communicate.
But my teachers opened the door to the joy of learning.

Only a short time ago I couldn't surf.
But Miss Paula opened the door to the world of imagination.

Through those doors I learned what it is to dream.
And I heard about another boy – another dreamer.

A boy named Clay Marzo dreamed.
And he became the world's best surfer.

Oh yes – along with being the world's best surfer, Clay Marzo also has Aspberger’s.

They made a movie about him. It's called "Just Add Water".
It's a surf film unlike any you've ever seen.

See for yourself. Here's the trailer. It's 3 1/2 minutes long

Here's the whole movie. It's 48 minutes long.

"He's not a great surfer in spite of his medical condition, but because of it." - Lisa Salters - ESPN

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